Make a game using classes

Morgan Butler
2 min readMar 12, 2021

**There is a paddle, it just for some reason is not showing up. You can maneuver it and the score will go when the ball hits it. It is just difficult to find because it is invisible.**


  • Paddle class is where the player paddle you control is made. It is where the width, length, color, etc is. The variables in it are xpongPaddle, ypongPaddle, paddlewidth and paddleheight. These are global variables that can be changed to the desired number.
  • Motion is a method, a function inside of the class, where it helps build the rectangle and allows it to move.
  • My next class is my aipaddle class where this is the paddle you play against. It is similar to the normal paddle class but just uses ai variables.
  • Motion is also used in this class to make it move.
  • I used a complex function to draw a jellyfish.
  • I do not know why my code will not run properly. I tried to fix my classes but I cannot figure it out.

